The Essential Elixir Cheatsheet for LeetCode Success

by Oskar Freye

A comprehensive guide to solving LeetCode problems efficiently with Elixir.

Elixir Cheatsheet for LeetCode by Oskar Freye

When tackling algorithmic challenges on LeetCode with Elixir, having the right tools and patterns at your disposal can make all the difference. Here’s your comprehensive guide to solving problems efficiently.

Core Data Structure Operations

List Operations

# Pattern matching fundamentals
[head | tail] = [1, 2, 3] # head = 1, tail = [2, 3]

# List construction
new_list = [element | existing_list] # [element | [2, 3]] = [1, 2, 3]

# List comprehension
for x <- list, condition, do: transformation

Map Operations

# Creation and access
map = %{key: value}
Map.get(map, :key, default)
Map.put(map, :key, value)
Map.update(map, :key, default, fn current -> new_value end)

MapSet Operations

set =
MapSet.put(set, element)
MapSet.member?(set, element)
MapSet.intersection(set1, set2)
MapSet.difference(set1, set2)

Functional Building Blocks

Recursion Template

def process(input, acc \\ initial_value)
def process([], acc), do: acc
def process([head | tail], acc) do
  process(tail, new_acc)

Stream Processing

Stream.iterate(initial, fn x -> next_value end)
Stream.unfold(initial, fn state -> {value, next_state} end), stream2)

Pattern Matching Templates

Multi-Clause Functions

def process(pattern1), do: result1
def process(pattern2), do: result2
def process(_), do: default_result

Guard Clauses

def process(x) when is_number(x) and x > 0
def process(x) when is_binary(x)
def process(x) when x in range

Common Helpers

String Processing

String.split(string, delimiter)
String.replace(string, pattern, replacement)

Number Processing

div(a, b)
rem(a, b)

Collection Processing

Enum.reduce(collection, acc, reducer_fn)
Enum.flat_map(collection, mapper_fn)
Enum.group_by(collection, key_fn)

Common Transformations

List Transformations

# Accumulator transformation
def transform([], acc), do: acc
def transform([h | t], acc), do: transform(t, [transform_element(h) | acc])

# Non-accumulator transformation
def transform([]), do: []
def transform([h | t]), do: [transform_element(h) | transform(t)]

Tree Traversal Template

def traverse(nil), do: default_value
def traverse(node) do
  # Process left, current node, right